A Sustainable Approach

Greenstone takes care and pride in the way we design and build to ensure the least possible impact on the environment. All of our homes are by default immunity boosting homes. We work closely with Architects, Botanists, sustainability and ecology experts, Government Local Bodies and suppliers to deliver on our commitment to environmental best practice, taking each development to new levels of sustainability. Not only does this protect our precious environment through a smaller carbon footprint, it also results in significantly lower strata levies and utility bills.

All Greenstone projects comply with Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and Ecologically Sustainable Development principles,

Including features such as:

  • Energy-efficient LED lighting and appliances
  • Storing and reusing top soils for landscaping.
  • Planting rich Oxygen giving local growing plants and shrubs
  • Rain/storm water harvesting and percolating adequate bore wells
  • Default Rooftop solar panels on club houses
  • Low VOC Paints
  • Using local and Indian manufactured materials certified by IGBC.
  • Formaldehyde-free building materials
  • Cycle ways and walking tracks
  • Charging points for electric cars and bikes.

At Greenstone we promised ourselves that we shall not cut a tree while developing the project rather we shall plan to transplant the tree to a safe location or build around the tree. In case we still need to cut the tree we oath ourselves that we shall plant 1:50 in the nearby surroundings.

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